Friday Focus: 08.13.21 I have chatted about some attachments for Electrastim, but never the power boxes. As such, I have…
Self love with extra Spark.
Friday Focus: 08.06.21 I am greedy, so I am allowing myself to indulge in personal preference again! Volt from Cal…
Classic shapes with a kick.
Friday Focus: 01.17.20 I like e-stim. This is not news. What you might not know is that we have two…
Mystim, enough said.
Oh, sweet MyStim, your day has come. Many of you could guess that I have a weakness for estim. It’s…
Agent Noir Neon Wand Kit
The Neon Wand is one of the easiest to use electrostimulation tools on the market. With the twist of a…