Friday Focus: 08.03.21

This week I am bringing Aneros to the table. Specifically, the Helix, as it’s our most popular style for good reason. Some of you may know the origins of Aneros and the urologist that wanted a hands free method of delivering prostate massage. Medical device or not, anything that delivers sexual pleasure, even incidental, will not stay politely in a clinical setting. It has been over twenty years since the tool that would birth Aneros was designed and all of the time since has been used to further that design and create options for a variety of desires and anatomies.
One thing that all Aneros prostate massagers have in common is basic functionality. The same T stop that makes the shapes anal safe amplifies the motion of a voluntary sphincter clench to rock the device internally. Helix is, technically, a beginner to intermediate device, though that speaks more to ease of use than minimal sensation. The internal end has a larger swell than other introductory styles, making it easier to get firm and consistent contact with the prostate with minimal practice or effort. Helix also takes the hands-free rock a step beyond with the Trident style handle, adding curve to the arms and percussive spheres to the cap of each. In function, they offer an external massage as a bonus to whatever is happening within. The slight curve and graduated swell also helps to keep the tool in place when in active use. The Helix shape is also among those most recommended for couples play due to it’s ability to stay in place and a narrow silhouette once inserted.
The difference between the two styles, Helix Trident and Helix Syn Trident is material. The Syn has more flex and a silicone body. While sensation is more intense with the classic, the Syn has a gentler touch for those that are nervous, new, or just want a lighter touch. The third version is the Helix Syn V. Imagine, if you will, a Helyx Syn that vibrates as well. It is not only rechargeable, but offers the most absurd run time of a single charge that I have ever heard of (we are talking six plus hours off a 90 minute charge). If you are looking for the best in hands free prostate stimulation, there is an Aneros for you! (And it is probably a Helix.)