Friday Focus: 11.06.20

Cal Exotic has a thing about harnesses. They tend to be priced in the mid-low range, so they could easily get away with nicely made and sturdy enough. Nope, someone an overachiever where harnesses are concerned. You can see this in the Pegging Panty, Scandal Harness, and the Her Royal Harness line. Really, though, of places to go overboard with fit and finish, a strap-on harness is a great place to focus your enthusiasm. This chat is focused on another brilliant example of craftsmanship, the Boundless Backless Brief.
As the full name suggests, Boundless is not your average brief harness. Yes, is has your traditionally masculine look at first glance, low rise and front fly, but if your turn it around the game changes fast. Boundless is open down the back from hip to groin. Yes, it’s true that this opens up the driver to some interesting play options (my first thought was tail-plugs), but it also takes the aesthetic to a very playful and flirtatious place.

Now while those traits are attractive enough, we get back to the overbuilt part. If you turn Boundless inside out, you will not find a single unfinished seam or raw edge. Even the pattern is carefully laid out to minimize any bulk or stiff spots from converging or overlapped hems. The design of the fly (the actual opening is inside) is another point of inovation. Not only does it boast an overlapping, and elastic reinforced, fly to hold your tool of choice, the fly is horizontal, so there is no chance of gravity letting your device work the pouch open, no matter how enthusiastic the Driver becomes. The only con I can find is the fact that the O ring that accommodates your dong is one size and can’t be adjusted. The trade off is the firmer hold and better stability, to even that is not a total loss.