Friday Focus: 01.15.21
I was super excited about The Realm when it first came out. Fantasy themes melded with utility, not to mention cross compatiblity with certain similar plug-n-play set ups, is more than enough to cause excitement. The Realm came in as a perfect mix of design and aesthetic to fill an underappreciated niche. Since that first release, however, there are new designs on the shelves. I would not be doing my duty if I didn’t take the time to train the spotlight.
Lycan, the newest Lock-In dong to the Blush line up, is less otherworldly than Draken, but more than simply human. Rather than feeling like Blush shied away from an opportunity, I see this as a good balance for people on the fence between lust for their fellow men and true Monster Fuckers. The overall shape of Lycan is human, the shaft and glans very familiar. The twist is in the striking red they chose for the silicone, fading into true black for the sculpted bestial bush. He is also notably larger than other Lock-In items, coming in at ten inches (eight insertable) with significant girth to match. The human features are also a bit exaggerated, with the veining and flair of the corona pushing a bit beyond human representation.

With a new beast comes a new hilt. Rougarou is cast in pewter tones (to contrast Drago’s coppery gold) and the detailing makes it an obvious pair to Lycan. From the clawed gouges in the grip to the snarling wolf head at the pommel, the attention to detail remains as loving now as when the series began. I was especially delighted to note that the wolf detail has a specifically 14th century flavor (a personal favorite of mine for jewelry, fashion, and arms). As before, the hilt is cast in urethane, so it is not safe for penetration. It will, however, sit secure in your hand with enough heft to balance it’s monstrous “blade”
Both Lycan and Rougarou can mix and match with the previous offerings, so there is even more room now to build your own adventure.