Since the inception of the world renown Clone-A-Willy, from Empire Labs, people have asked for one thing. They wanted a vaginal counterpart. Clone-A-Pussy came out, but that’s not what people were asking for. With the original resulting in a solid replica of the vulva, over and over I heard one thing, “I can’t have sex with it?” I did my best to figure out how an penetrable toy could be rigged together with a separate masturbation sleeve, but there was no way to make it easy and even fewer that were cost effective and within reach of someone that isn’t already a molding hobbyist. This overview is for those people I had to disappoint in the past. It is also for me, because casting and molding are a personal hobby I enjoy deeply. As you may have guessed, this overview covers the Clone-A-Pussy Plus!

The kit is has a lot of parts, but it is geared for the layman. Everything is pre-measured, all the tools are included, and the instructions are complete. Upon opening your box you will find the following; Silicone (parts A and B), molding alginate, molding cups, masturbation sleeve, canister, lubricant, mixing sticks, and the instructions. The actual mixing is identical to the Willy and regular Pussy kits. Use all your materials (chemical reactions are dependent on proportion) and follow the directions. Again, everything you will need is there.
The adventure starts with your alginate powder. It’s the same stuff that dentists use to make oral impressions, so you can proceed with full confidence that it is safe, non-toxic, and has a history of being used for delicate molding. The only thing you need to add is water, with all your cups and mixing sticks right there in the kit. Once mixed, this is the part where the actual life-cast is made, you may hold the cup full of alginate against your selected vulva. This takes a bit of time, but once it’s done, the rest is super easy.
Once your vulva mold is cured, you get to the exciting part. Included in your kit is a clever little wedge with a spherical grip. By aligning that wedge where the opening to the vulva would be, you will create a void space in the mold. [Multi-part molds are complicated at the best of times, so I was curious how they would make this accessible for the layman. This solution is super slick!] Again, we are back to a direct analog to the other kits. Mix your silicone as detailed in your instructions (don’t forget to scrape the sides of your cup) and pour the silicone slurry into your vulva-mold-plus-wedge combo. Let it cure overnight and you will have an exact replica of the vulva you selected. A vulva that, once you pull the wedge out of the silicone double, has an opening. It is recommended to take a little time to clean up, at this point. There will be flash around the edges of your molded disk and the opening might need cleaned up as well. I like to use a craft knife for this sort of thing, but I leave the tool up to personal preference. Here is the important part, the vulva disk is not attached to the sleeve. No gluing or pressing the sleeve into your silicone as it cures or anything else tricky. The whole things cleverly locks together in the canister, with your vulva on top. It’s just like a cabochon gem set in a pendant only it’s a vulva on a masturbator. It’s brilliant, really. There are some tips and tricks included in the instructions to insure the best fit between sleeve and vulva to allow for vigorous use.
And there you have it. A hot pink twin of your favorite vulva paired with a plushy soft and generously textured masturbation sleeve. The canister also offers a firm sure grip and a durable solution for storage when not in use.